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Setting Up Conversion Tracking for Your Shopify or Woo Commerce Online Store





Accurately measuring and monitoring the effectiveness of your advertising and marketing efforts is crucial to achieving growth.

In order for your business to achieve sustained revenue and profit, a process of careful conversion tracking is mandatory.

Many e-commerce stores use conversion tracking to measure the performance of their marketing activities, but there are still many online stores that are still not taking advantage of the important tools available to track Return On Investment (ROI).

Data obtained whenever you track advertising campaigns will provide you with the ability to comprehensively monitor visitor behaviour, closely analyse your conversions and use this knowledge to determine how to best use of your hard-earned marketing budgets to drive more sales and more profit.

Integrating Google Analytics with your E-commerce platform

Your first step should always be to seamlessly integrate Google Analytics into your site. Google Analytics will allow you to track page views, sales activity within your E-commerce store, form submissions and a variety of other relevant data that will help you to monitor the browsing behaviours of your customers.

Enable E-Commerce Tracking

Keeping track of your customers' purchasing activity is beneficial for a variety of reasons. This will allow you to gather a wealth of useful information, including average order values, time to purchase, e-commerce conversion rates and a range of transactional data.

Facilitating Accurate Referral Exclusions

Every time a customer is referred by an external source to your website, a session is created. Each session will contain important data that will help you to identify precisely how each person has arrived on your website. To guarantee that all browsing activities are attributed to the correct referrer, accurately setting up referral exclusions is critical.

Linking your Analytics to your AdWords Account

If your marketing strategy includes an AdWords component, you will need to link your AdWords account to your Analytics. This process is essential to the accurate monitoring of your AdWords performance, so don't neglect this step.

Setting Up Google AdWords Capabilities

Turn on Auto-Tagging

Auto-tagging will help you to gain a better understanding as to how people engage with your website after they have clicked on one of your ads.

The auto-tagging feature will attach a 'Google Click Identifier' to each advert URL, which will convey important information about the advert to Google Analytics.

Pairing clicked ad data with Google Analytics data will allow you to monitor customer browsing activities and illuminate how your adverts are performing in relation to conversions, bounce rates, and click-through rates.

Setting Up Conversion Tracking to Show Store Performance

Setting up conversion tracking will provide you with a comprehensive insight into how your store is performing and it is best practice to keep a close eye on your 'Checkout Behaviour' data.

While every online store will have users who abandon their carts before completing their purchasing journey, high abandonment rates will likely be symptomatic of a larger problem that should be addressed as quickly as possible.

Track Advertising Campaigns Through your Woo Commerce Platform

Google Analytics has a range of features to comprehensively monitor your Woo Commerce metrics, however, if you are simply integrating the Google Analytics tracking code into your site you will be missing out on the wealth of additional useful information that can be accessed using the platform's enhanced e-commerce tracking capabilities.

This enhanced tracking feature will enable you to track small product interactions, including how many visitors read the product information section of each page, add products to their carts and how many carts are abandoned before a purchase is made.

Setting Up Woo Commerce Tracking

Just add details below to get the instructions to set up tracking on your Woo Commerce store sent straight to your inbox.

Track Advertising Campaigns Through your Shopify Store

Google Analytics can comprehensively monitor your Shopify performance metrics if set up correctly.

When integrating Google Analytics into your Shopify store, it is important to first establish whether you have integrated the two previously, because enabling Analytics on more than one occasion can result in the collation of incorrect data.

Setting Up Shopify Tracking

Just add details below to get the instructions to set up tracking on your Woo Commerce store sent straight to your inbox.

Abandoned Cart

It is important to set up an automatic abandoned cart nurture sequence to attract back visitors who left without making a purchase.

Creating a sequence to entice back the customers that add products to their carts but leave before a purchase is a really simple and effective way to increase conversions.

You can read more about marketing automation and customer nurture sequences here

This All Seems Complicated, Is it Really Necessary?

In a word, ABSOLUTELY! Conversions are the driving force of every successful e-Commerce business.

If you understand how to convert visitors into customers, you will be in a position to drive the most value from your advertising and marketing strategies and budgets.

You might, for example, see that particular combinations of keywords, campaign parameters, bidding strategies or channels generate more conversions than others.

This knowledge will allow you to deliver a much greater level of ROI and increase your profit margins. It also allows you to determine which message is cutting through with your target segments allowing you to streamline your marketing based on what is driving the most conversions and revenue.

Once your conversion tracking tools are set up, you will quickly begin to see what is working and what will benefit from some refinement.

You might find that your cost per conversion figure is higher than you are comfortable with, it is also likely that you will find that certain marketing campaigns you are running are actually losing you money.

Knowledge is power. Once you have it, you can quickly take steps to change the way you are marketing to focus on driving not just, increased revenue, but increased profits.