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As A Klaviyo Partner We Can Increase Your eCommerce Revenue Up To 600% In 6 Months

We map the perfect customer journey, first attracting new customers, then automating & personalising their customer journey.

With Klaviyo, we can tailor your messages perfectly to each customer. The results are increased revenue, return on ad spend, increased basket sizes and loyal brand champions.

Cart abandonment email sequence

Up to 70% of shopping carts are abandoned, so it is crucial to create a series of emails that gently drive the customer to complete checkout. Plus capture their email address at the time of initiating checkout.

Initial purchase nurture series

Over 90% of your visitors aren’t ready to buy. A well designed welcome email series is 3 times more effective at driving sales than normal newsletters or product emails, The key is to incentivise their first purchase.

Email product repetitively viewed

At this point they are ready to buy! You can track this with automation and send an email to motivate them with a message that the item is running low on stock, or with a shipping offer, code or discount.

Automate a review request email

Positive reviews help drive potential new customers to purchase. Almost 90% of shoppers trust product reviews as much as they trust a personal friend's recommendations. Automation is key here and means that it will all happen for you.

Automated appreciation emails

Following up is a classic because it works. It lets your customers know that you appreciate their business. By keeping the tone personal  you can inspire your customer to be a brand champion, which is essential for growing businesses.

Automated repeat purchase emails

Encourage customers to return for a repeat purchase. You can motivate return visits by sending a personalised automated email series with product recommendations, complemetary products or personalised sale products to entice them back.

Reward and delight your VIP customers

Delight valuable customers to turn them into brand champions who tell their friends and family how great you are. Set a target for a number of purchases or customer lifetime value and trigger a delight email with an unexpected gift or reward.

Re-engagement Emails

To achieve sustained growth you need to activate your database. Re-engage dormant subscribers by creating a win-back sequence. It could be a big discount on a product category they have engaged with or a cool competition. Just remember the subject line is critical.

Add free shipping incentive

This is a classic and always a winner for increasing the basket size and the order value. So much so that you may already be utilizing this strategy. If not, we’d recommend adding it to your store ASAP.

Results our Clients Have Achieved

Our goal is to add value at every stage of your growth. If we believe we can't help you, we'll be honest and offer advice on how to prepare for the next stage of your growth journey


Increase in New Sales

718% increase in new sales through Google and Social Media advertising, personalised content, advanced ad optimisation, data-driven custom audiences, and a proven lead acquisition framework.


Increase in Revenue

Achieved a 4,000% revenue increase by utilising Google and Social Media advertising, lead magnets, and creating an automated customer journey that delivered personalised messages at the perfect time.


Increase in Email Database

A huge 800% increase in email database in just 6 months. Achieved by creating a series of engaging stories, Google and social media ads, and promotional offers to drive acquisition and user sharing.

"Walk Digital's expertise helped us to take a small side project to an Australia wide-business with millions of dollars in product sales in our first year."

Their focus on return on investment and expertise in social media and digital advertising is outstanding.


Owner & Founder
The Play Projects, Therapy At Home & The Play Way

Starter - New Customer Growth Package

Advertising  + Customer Nurture - Done for You


Per Month (+gst)
BONUS: Customer Journey Mapping Workshop for your first month
  • 1 x Price promotion offer per month (or opt in offer)
  • 1 x Promotional email + 1 reminder, OR 1 nurture automation email per month
  • 1 x Update to website landing page
  • 1 x Facebook and Instagram Newsfeed ad
  • 1 x Facebook and Instagram Stories/Reel ad 
  • 1 x Google advertising campaign - New customers 
  • 1 x Monthly report against benchmarks with Recommendations 
  • Conversion tracking
  • Advertising targeting new customers and lookalikes to your customers
  • Advertising retargeting people who have previously engaged or visited your website
Get Started

Custom - Done for You

Custom Price

Per Month (+gst)
For growing teams in larger organisations looking to personalise their marketing at scale
  • Comprehensive Customer Journey Mapping
  • Implementation of full Customer Journey Map
  • Automated Email Nurture Flows
  • Custom Advanced Reporting
  • Custom Tracking
  • Customised Advertising
  • Video Ad Creation
  • Broader Advertising Campaigns across suitable available channels
  • Reddit Advertising
  • TikTok Advertising
  • Twitter Advertising
Get Started

Google Shopping PMAX Setup Package

• Set up of Google Account
• Set up of products in Google Shopping
• Set up of conversion tracking
• Keyword research
• Set up of Campaigns
• Set up of audience targeting and Ad Sets 

Ecommerce Email Nurture Starter Package

• Email Offer - to capture traffic and acquire email addresses
• Lead Nurture Email Sequence - 4 x emails to convert email addresses to paying customers
• Abandoned Cart - Best Practice Abandoned Cart emails to convert sales
• Post purchase Nurture - 2 x emails to entice first time buyers into repeat purchases


We can integrate all the platforms that you need to drive automated growth fast 

Klaviyo integrates with Shopify, WooCommerce, Magneto Commerce and more. We can also integrate your other platforms to make your customer journey more efficient and effective.

Klaviyo is an incredibly powerful tool to increase sales. To harness the full benefits that an automated system can deliver to your business to increase you might need a little help.

Prices from $990 for setup and automation.
Chat with an Klaviyo Certified Partner today

3 ways to Increase your eCommerce Store Revenue

A well known marketer Jay Abraham broke new ground when he popularized the idea that there are
only three ways to grow revenue. When it comes to eCommerce, this is absolutely the case.


Download our Ecommerce Revenue Growth Driver Checklist

Get our checklist of key growth drivers to increasing your ecommerce sales and revenue fast.

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Then just sit back and watch your revenue grow

Once you have all these growth drivers in place, you can then launch an advertising campaign that will really deliver and fast-track your ecommerce store’s growth exponentially. With all these factors working together it becomes a well-oiled sales conversion machine.

Prices from $990 for setup and automation

Chat with an Klaviyo Expert today

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